
Makeup Area tour/ Makeup Collection

I have been dreaming for my own ultimate vanity. My makeup collection has grown so much in the past year that I really needed a way to organize it. As soon as I moved into my new place I have been brainstorming my dream vanity.

I started out with an Ikea magazine of course. I love Ikea. As soon as I laid eyes on these shelves I knew this is what I wanted. It all just came to me after that. I decided I wanted a nice clean mirror long to see everything. Of course, lights! Lots of lights all around the mirror. Before I got this ultimate vanity I used to use the sunlight way early in the morning. I used to try and rush to finish my makeup before 8:30 am because that was around the time started to rise high and it would completely blind me. I definitely needed some good lights. I went on a big Ikea trip and bought everything I needed all at once. I got the lights just as I envisioned them. I got the perfect long mirror and I got the shelves.

I admit I procrastinated a bit because I installed everything about 3-4 days after my Ikea trip but I am so happy with the outcome. After installing the setup like I wanted it next came a little more procrastination until I finally organized everything.

Here are pictures of my setup and with it comes a little bit of a makeup collection as well. This makeup is my favorite products by the way. I have more makeup that I use in my makeup kit for clients. There's no reason to display that stuff.

Anyway here's the photos:

1 comment:

  1. monike2/11/2012

    Beautiful wardrobe girl...u were setting so nice, so simple but looks professional, keep doing that..thats really great hobby & art
